HTML5 canvas game. Zombies and explosions. Read the post about it here.
Tower of Hanoi
Animated solution for Tower of Hanoi puzzle in a canvas. There is a post about it and the animation is here.
Two players compete to see who can get out of a maze first. The mazes are randomly generated using Depth First Search algorithm. The project is developed in JavaScript and it works on top of Node.js using
aMazeng was developed at the First Annual DBC Holiday Hackathon at Dev Bootcamp. There's a post about it in my blog and one in DBC's blog.
Tetris game was a somewhat bigger project chosen to practice TDD. You can play it here and read about it here.
</div> </li>Bouncing Balls
Reeeally simple TODO List made with Object oriented JavaScript. The goal with this project was to exercise TDD and understand how JavaScript MVC frameworks work while using vim to do everything. The Github repo can be found here. And here's the actual TODO list.